protokol i konvensi jenewa bahasa Inggris
- protokol: protocol; communications protocols;
- i: aku; dl; ecclesiastic; end; o; pl; port i; sarana
- konvensi: convention; conventionalism; literary device;
- konvensi jenewa: geneva conventions
- jenewa: geneva; genf; geneve; canton of geneva
- protokol jenewa (1922): protocol for the reconstruction of austria
- konvensi jenewa (1929): geneva convention (1929)
- konvensi jenewa pertama: first geneva convention
- amadeus i dari jenewa: amadeus i of geneva
- guillaume i dari jenewa: william i of geneva
- protokol opsional konvensi menentang penyiksaan: optional protocol to the convention against torture
- protokol opsional konvensi mengenai hak-hak penyandang disabilitas: optional protocol to the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
- protokol opsional konvensi mengenai penghapusan segala bentuk diskriminasi terhadap wanita: optional protocol to the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women
- protokol: protocol; communications protocols; communications protocol; guideline